The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Does this count?

So I'm walking in the mall beside one of those fountains that everyone throws thier coins in. I start drooling over the coins, wishing I could jump in and grab them all. My daydream includes a vision of me in the middle of the fountain throwing the coins up in the air in jubulation while they fall back all around me. Once I wake up from my dream I notice that some kid is literally reaching into the fountain taking money out. "HEY!", I think. "How come he can do that." Well, instead of stealing them he starts trying to skip them on the water. One of them skips right out of the water and lands right in front of me. No one seems to notice, so I pick it up. The funny part is the kid is the one that ended up getting in trouble, but I was the one that walked away with one of the coins - a dime. I figure the fountain gods wanted me to have it. Found a few pennies too. Up to $1.11. 13 cents to go.


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