The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lots of stuff going on

Someone e-mailed me today about my spreadsheet and is supposed to swing by and buy it tomorrow for $8. He wants it on a CD, so I had to buy a CD from myself for $1.25 to burn it. Also, paypal made a small deposit of 15 cents into my account to link up the bank account. As far as I can tell, they didn't take this out of my money, so it's going straight into my double-up along with a penny I found. Unfortunately, the google advertising fee came in, but it was only $0.45. I still haven't made a dime on this stuff, but I still have faith. All it will take is one sale to put me back in the black on this one (except for the e-book i bought). Hopefully the guy comes through tomorrow.

I also tried setting up my first e-bay auction for the spreadsheet, but it didn't work. They say my paypal is not a verified account, but it is, so I'm not sure what to do now. I can't seem to find any sort of support e-mail address for e-bay. Maybe it takes a few days before they can see that it is a verified account???

The other thing that is up is that I started an advertising blog for my spreadsheet so I can point to it so I don't have to pay extra e-bay fees for extra pictures, etc. Check it out here:


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