The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

More Rental Income

I can't believe I have two rental income posts in a row. I guess that says something about how little I have been working on this project. The reality is that my real life has been super busy lately. I am moving, doing my taxes (who isn't?), work is insane and I have a 1 year old. I have about 25 seconds per night to work on this so I guess that explains it. I am hoping that with Garage sale season upon us I can make some real leaps and bounds. Anyway, I have an extra $5 for storing my neighbor's jeep, but the bad part is that he has now taken it out because the weather is nice. Stupid nice weather. No more rental money for me.



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