The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A good start (again)

Well my goal last week was to post the golf clubs and VCR on line for sale. I accomplished these goals and agreed to sell the VCR, but the guy never showed up. Apparently no one is interested in golf clubs in the middle of the winter - to be expected, but I needed to at least try. I even put up an advertisement for my spreadsheet again, figuring nothing would happen. It turns out, I did get a response from someone who might want me to make a customized version for him, which I could charge a bit more for. So how come I had my spreadsheet on this site for a year with no bites and as soon as I decide to post again I have interest? I think it might be because people only look at the new posts, so I'm going to do an experiment and re-post it every 2 weeks or so. The other thing that is really interesting is that it seems the only place I can find people interested are on this local site. 4 out of 5 that I have sold have been from there and the other one was a Google Ad. People seem to be responding more to crappy amateur ads that say, "Hey, I made this spreadsheet in my spare time - anyone want a copy" compared to links to my more professional looking website. I haven't completely figured it out - maybe its some sort of trust thing where people are willing to trust their neighbors as opposed to a faceless company. Not sure. The important thing is things are starting to happen again - all I had to do was start moving.

Double Goals for This week:
- Explore more 'Joe Blow' type places I can advertise my spreadsheet.
- Advertise two speakers that I have and forgot to include in the list of what the Double Project owns.


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