The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sold the VCR!

I sold the VCR I had for $20! Not bad considering I almost sold it for $15 last week (the guy didn't show up). Once I saw how many responses i had for it I knew I could easily find a buyer any time I wanted - so I might as well hold out for $20 instead. It is SOOO nice to finally be making money for this project again. Focus is all i needed. That and doing SOMETHING every week. Last week i was going to find more joe blow places to post my spreadsheet. I posted on Craigslist, but so far it hasn't produced anything.

As I was checking in with other doublers i noticed that most of them have really stagnated (kind of like I did for a whole year). In fact, most of them don't seem to post very much at all and some seem to have given up. One doubler that has not though, and posts VERY VERY regularly. I am talking of Rachel over at Turn One Pound into a Million. I must admit that I had stopped reading her blog regularly because she had so many advertisements and my bloglines RSS feed would fill up so fast, but I recently noticed a post about how she has almost reached 1000 pounds a month at this point. Hang on! Why am I NOT reading about a doubler who is almost making 1000 pounds a month. Rachels blog should be my Bible! I should find out exactly what she is doing and replicate it as soon as possible. She obviously knows what she is doing! Way to go Rachel. So my task for this week is to completely read her blog and implement what I can immediately. I've already signed up for 20 Million Hits, which is a site that Rachel recommended and is basicly a scheme to promote your website to lots and lots of people. Check it out. I used it to promote my Financial Tracker. I'll let you know how (if) it worked for me.


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