The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A New Beginning

You may have noticed that I have not posted in a long, long time. I decided I needed a break from the Double Challenge to recharge my batteries. That and I also moved houses, had Christmas and got sick for 2 weeks. I guess my heart wasn't in it anymore because my total had stagnated for so long. It seemed that if I hunted for things to buy and sell I could make some money (I made $400 in the first four months!), but if I tried to do ANYTHING else I was just spinning my wheels. I tried selling my financial spreadsheet and I did sell a few, but then it all stopped. So I made a hack job of a website to try to drive traffic to. After that didn't work I put a lot of effort into a better website to no avail. I learned how to do Google Adwords, purchased a domain name, and learned how to get a webpage on line. All great stuff! But it didn't work. I wrote some of an e-book to get out of debt, but didn't finish it. I started to try to get a collection together of the works of H.G. Wells (copywrite has expired). I tried Google Cash and Google Cash Detective, but nothing other than simply buying and selling things brought me cash. I'm back with a good attitude again. Perhaps I didn't make any money, but I really did learn a lot and I can honestly say I know more than I did before so perhaps this was just an investment in time that is still to pay off. I think I will do some thinking about where to put my efforts. If its one thing I have learned it is that I don't have much free time (2 year olds will do that to you) so I need to focus my efforts when I DO have time.
Here is an inventory of everything the Double Challenge owns:
$414.47 CAD
$4.30 CAD in my paypal account
$4.45 US in my paypal account
1 Set of old golfclubs 1 golf bag
1 Crappy Coffee Maker (left over from the OneGreenPaperFlip project).
$7 Secrets E-book (100% Resale Rights)
Google Cash E-book
A few boxes of Readers Digest and National Geographic books. (I donated some - I can barely give this stuff away)

I think instead of thinking of progress in terms of cash made, I have to start making weekly goals and try to accomplish them. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So my weekly goal (actually, this was supposed to be posted on Wednesday so that will be the start of my 'week' from now on) this week is to get the golf clubs and the VCR on the local For Sale boards again. Sound simple? It is. I should have no problem doing this, but without this goal, I probably would have procrastinated thinking the project too great and no progress made. We'll see if this gets me going again.
Oh, and since I posted I spent $0.06 on a Google advertisement for my builder (they give a $500 referral bonus) and made $1.50 from poker winnings. In the past, I was gambling 10% with my double money. From now on 50% of my gambling (doesn't happen often) will be from my double money.


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