The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rain, Pay Per Post and Vending Machines

It figures - It's garage sale day and it's raining. That means it has been potponed to tomorrow. I'm still feeling kind of sick anyways, so I was happy to be able to sleep in. I could run the garage sale tomorrow, but I am leaning towards going to the other garage sales instead since most of the stuff left for me to sell are not Double Challenge items. Also, all of my advertisements have said Saturday, so I fear i will fall into the trap I did last time and waste my entire morning. I'll probably better spend my time looking for bargains tomorrow, especially since I don't have many items to sell at this point.

I've been checking out the website, Pay Per Post again. I think I will try to up my post frequency so I can register and try this out. I have heard good things about them. As I understand it, they pay you to write reviews on products. I have to have 10 posts in the past 30 days in order to register, so it shouldn't take me long since I've already posted 5 times in May. I'll keep you posted on how it goes and if it is worth it.

I also was checking out the Thin Air Millionaire site. He seems to have purchased a vending route, which is making big money for him. I think I may start to research this and see if it is someting viable for me in the future. If I could somehow get some vending machines into some stores close by, this could be a long term earner with minimal effort. If it goes really well, I could even pay someone to go fill them for me. Now that is what i call passive income! We'll see though.



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