The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Death and Taxes

For those of you who havn't been following my blog, I've been trying to get my US Citizenship sorted out. I just got off the phone from a 2 hour call to the IRS. Holy crap there is a lot to absorb. The lady was really nice, but she didn't want to go through my list of questions until she had asked me a billion questions to make sure I had the right forms. Most of what she said I already knew, but she refused to just go through my questions. FINALLY we went through my questions and I got most of them answered. Only a few remain that either I couldn't understand what she was saying, or she didn't really answer to my satisfaction (I don't think she really knew the answers). On one hand I feel much better now that a bunch of my questions have been answered and I can do most of the forms, but on the other hand, my mind is so boggled trying to absorb it all. The best part is that the lady said usually they want your current year (2007) and the previous 5, which is 6 years instead of 7. That was nice to hear. The worst part is that I might owe some tax this year because I sold my house in 2007. Apparently if you rent it (like I did for 10 months), then you are subject to tax on the amount you would have claimed for depreciation. I think I'll try to write up a few specific years now and call in if I have specific questions about those years. I can't wait to be DONE this.



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