The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Garage Sale-ing We Will Go...

Well, I managed to pull my arse out of bed at 8:30 to check out some of the garage sales around the neighborhood. There was a lot of junk that no one would want, but I did find two things that I might be able to flip for a profit. One guy had a sewing machine for $5. It was quite old, but I can't imagine anyone paying less for it. Apparently I was wrong because when I went back a bit later with my wife, he offered it to me for $2! I'd definitely make a profit with that. The only problem is that we actually need a sewing machine and it's somewhat difficult to justify selling this one for $40, only to turn around and spend $200 on a new one.... or even 40 for a used one. The other thing I found was a DVD, plus a CD player that can hold 5 CDs. They were selling the combo for $20. I was a bit less sure about this one, but I think I could find some buyers eventually. They say that you make your money when you buy instead of when you sell, so I figured I would wait until a bit later in the morning when they're feeling more desparate to get rid of stuff and offer $15. I went back at 11AM and they had closed up shop. Crap. I guess I should have asked them when they were packing up. So I ended up the day very tired (went to bed waaay too late) with nothing to show for it - maybe. The worst part is that I KNOW we'll barely ever use the sewing machine. Some days are more profitable than others I guess.



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