The Double Challenge

The Experiment: Find a penny, and find a way to double it. Then keep on doubling until I have enough money to pay off my mortgage.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Flyers Delivered

Well, I printed off the Community Garage Sale flyers and distributed them to everyone on my street. So far no one else has signed up for it (Remember, I need 5 to get the free advertising), but there is still time. My biggest problem is that a house is being built right beside mine and there is a big big ugly rusty dumpster right beside my driveway. Talk about a turnoff. And it will block people seeing my garage sale from the main road. I'd better get some good signs made this time or no one will find me. I have my doubts that many people will sign up on my street because there is a lot of construction. About 1/3 of the houses are still being built. It's a pretty dusty enviroment for a garage sale. Still, I can't possibly do worse than last year. I'm not going to charge the Double Challenge for the printouts, or the signs because my main rule is to not affect my real finances and I can honestly say I would have had this garage sale anyways. There's only a few double items, but the greater majority will be crap I owened before the Double Challenge started. I'll be glad to get rid of it all. And hey, look at the bright side. Whatever I don't sell, I can just heave into the dumpster instead of lugging back into my basement.



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